3 major health benefits of traveling

There are even more reasons to travel than just trying new foods, seeing new things, and becoming a more culturally seasoned person. In addition to the benefits of travel in terms of personal enrichment, traveling has also been demonstrated to pose real health benefits. By making a point to get out there and build your frequent flyer miles up higher, you’re doing yourself a service that will make your primary healthcare provider proud. The following are three of the most significant health benefits of making sure to satisfy your wanderlust on a regular basis.

Increased calorie burn rate

Simply by getting out there and moving from destination to destination on your travels, you’ll naturally be burning more calories from the increased physical activity demanded by walking from place to place. You may not be going to the gym every other day, but by consistently staying on your feet, your overall net calorie burn will actually be greater than it would be with only designated hours for periodic exercise in an otherwise sedentary lifestyle.

You’ll fortify your immune system

By being exposed to new environments, foods and pathogens, your body naturally adapts by strengthening its immune system to accommodate a more diverse array of energy sources and mild ailments. Though you might experience a slight bug upon exposure to unfamiliar germs in unfamiliar countries, this can act as an organic “vaccination” process that helps your body develop new defenses against it.

Decreased stress and susceptibility to depression

Being exposed to new places and experiences will provide a wonderful boost to your mood by dynamically stimulating your reward center with new, pleasant sensations that it hasn’t been desensitized to. The monotony of staying in the same place can elevate stress levels and can leave you feeling anxious and unfulfilled. Taking a trip to a new and exciting place helps you become more deeply immersed in the moment, creating a sense of fulfillment that can linger even weeks after returning home.

Get your passport photo approved with Paspic

In order to enjoy all of the benefits that frequent travel has to offer, you need to make sure that your passport photo checks out before go. If you want a passport picture that perfectly does you justice, contact us at Paspic today so that we can get you on the fast track to photo approval.

Photo: Travel by Moyan_Brenn licensed under Creative commons 2

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