4 places to keep your passport safe

How is it that the most important documents of our lives are the same size as a candy bar? Shouldn’t they be the size of a wall to match the weight of their importance? If you’re suffering from a scattered brain before an international flight, you might be even more anxious about bringing your passport because you’re aware of the very real possibility of losing it. That means you’ll want to keep your passport and other important documents in a place you’ll never forget about – such documents include spare passport photos which you should have with you while traveling in the event of an emergency. Here are our top four places to keep your passport.

1. An ankle wallet

Long gone are the days of fanny packs (and good riddance). Now there are ankle wallets you can wear under your clothes, not only assuring that your passport will be safe and sound, but that it’s physically attached to you. So instead of looking like your nanny at an amusement park, you can travel on the sly like Sean Connery as James Bond.

2. A workout band

Not only is this a handy way to store your phone, but you can go even more incognito by slipping your passport behind it in a flexible arm band. The best part about this method is its breathability. Where an ankle wallet may weigh you down and cause you to perspire, which is probably no good if you’re planning a hike up to Machu Picchu, an arm band is usually designed with breathable material.

3. Sew a special patch in your wallet or purse

If you’ve traveled a lot, you know that you should only own one wallet or purse that you use expressly for your adventures. Especially if you’re the “designated mule” who’s in charge of everyone’s stuff! If you’re opposed to carrying your passport or other important items as physical extensions, we recommend you sew a brightly colored patch into your purse or wallet (depending on its size). The action of creating this will definitely leave an impression, and if you chose a nice bright neon or deep red, then you will surely never forget it!

4. Shelling out a book

Ever seen those cute, wooden chests that look exactly like a book? Bring a spare book or Bible and hide the one in your hotel. Arm yourself with an X-Acto knife and cut out a small chunk of the pages, as large as you want, that can fit all of your important items: keys, cellphone, tickets, spare passport photos and, of course, your passport itself. If your hotel room is ever broken in to while you’re on vacation, this cool trick helps conceal your passport and important documents.

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