5 tips for getting baby passport photos right the first time

Traveling with a baby can be exhausting, frustrating, and generally tiresome. And that’s just packing your luggage! One way you can relieve some of the stress starts with getting your child passport photo correct the first time. We’ve laid out five great easy-to-follow steps for taking passport photos with children.

1. Make sure they have slept well

When your child is well rested, whether that be from a good night’s sleep or a long afternoon nap, taking passport photos can be made easier. They are more likely to listen and be less fussy when asked to sit still for the camera.

2. Bring snacks!

Bringing a small snack, like grapes or crackers, can provide your child with distraction should they get bored while taking their baby passport photo. It’s also great should the parent get fussy!

3. Provide something for them to focus on

A child passport photo must include the child looking straight at the camera. But of course, that’s easier said than done. In order to grab the child’s attention, display their favorite toy or an interesting object near the camera lens to focus their eyes near the camera.

4. Set up the correct background

Passport photos require neutral backgrounds without pattern or dark solid colors. It is best to use a white blanket or sheet to place your child on to take their baby passport photo. If your baby is still a wiggly infant, swaddle them to keep their arms and legs still. If your child is a bit older, still not capable of controlling themselves yet too rambunctious for a swaddle, bring in some assistance to help keep their arms and legs still. Should you need some help to settle the baby, make sure the helper’s hands are not visible in the passport photo. In passport pictures, the child must have their eyes open, mouth closed, and a gaze directed straight to the camera.

5. Upload the picture to paspic.com.

To expedite the process of getting your passport photo printed, upload the image to paspic.com. You will receive detailed instructions and instant notification as to whether your baby passport photo has complied with all legal requirements. They will be printed on photo-quality paper and mailed directly to you!

Photo: Asleep by César Rincón licensed under Creative commons 2

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