4 obstacles to overcome to get your baby passport photo

Getting a baby passport photo sounds simple enough, but there are just enough complications and rules that getting one which passes muster can feel like a completely impossible task. Before you commit to taking your own photo in a booth, make sure you understand the challenges you’ll be trying to tackle in a limited time at a public location.

1) You can’t be in the photo

This is perhaps the trickiest one to overcome under most circumstances. You can’t be in the picture; even if you’re mostly off frame, if you’re there at all you risk having your baby passport photo rejected. This is one reason it can be especially difficult to use self-service photo booths to get a baby photo done; often, you’re not dealing with nearly enough room, opportunity, or simple peace to resolve issues without getting in the way.

2) No pacifiers or other items in the way

Anything that might obscure your baby’s face will get their passport photo rejected; this includes toys, pacifiers, a variety of hats and other headgear. If your child needs these items to keep quiet and peaceful during their photo, it’s going to be quite tricky to get one that works.

3) Your baby needs to be looking at the camera

This sounds extremely simple, and it would be, if not for the other necessities around passport photos. Getting a baby to look at something specific without pulling an expression or otherwise invalidating the photo can be quite nearly impossible without a lot of time, patience, and luck.

4) No distorting facial expressions

That means no crying, no big smiles, no abject shock, and none of the expressions you might expect a baby to have from a busy area where you might find a self-service passport photo booth. That makes the flexibility of being able to take your photos on your own schedule and submit them online of vital importance for keeping the endeavor frustration-free and feasible.

Get through these four challenges, and you’re set. But you might find it a lot easier to do from home.

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