5 reasons you might find it easier to take a child passport photo at home

Getting acceptable child or baby passport photos for a  can be nearly impossible under the best of circumstances—which you’re far more likely to have at home. Being able to take your time and catch that golden moment on your own terms may make a lot more sense than using a booth or other solution, once you consider these five problems:

1. Your child must be looking at the camera

Perhaps the simplest reason to avoid public photo booths for getting a passport photo of a younger child: paying attention to the camera can be extremely difficult, especially once you see the other problems you’re going to face with a child or baby passport photo.

2. Your child can’t have a distorted expression

Any expression that might count as distorting facial features will get your passport photo rejected… which means that, if you make a funny voice or face to get your child to pay attention, and they start laughing, you might need another photo. If they’re crying because of a loud noise or because you’re getting visibly frustrated, you’ll need another photo. And it gets even harder.

3. Pacifiers and similar tools aren’t acceptable

If you’re thinking you can keep your baby content for its photo with a pacifier, think again – they aren’t permitted in passport photos. You’ll need to get that perfect face without any help. This can be extremely difficult if things go awry in public.

4. If you’re in the picture, it will be rejected

It can be very difficult to adhere to the other rules on this list without holding your child upright and pointing them in the right direction, but if you can be seen doing so, your child passport photo won’t pass inspection. Props and other tools for doing the job are unacceptable as well; this can make the task very, very difficult to get done in a booth, or indeed anywhere in public.

5. The distance and angle must be right

As with any passport photo, there are rules about the proportion of the shot to be taken up by your child’s head in their photo. Too much or too little, and your submission will be rejected. This can make things quite tricky given all the other rules, especially with photo booths or other tools configured for adults.

Photo: child by delicategenius licensed under Creative commons 2

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