Headgear in passport photos: what you can and can’t wear

A common question many individuals have when first taking a passport photograph is whether or not they are allowed to have something on their head. From hats to glasses, these questions come from people around the world. In general, the answer is no, but there are some exceptions. Before definitively leaving the headwear at home, it is important to go over these individual questions and answers.


Probably the most popular of all headwear questions, many who wear glasses want to know if it is alright to have these present in the photograph. If the eyeglasses are worn on a daily basis, it is fine to include in the photograph. However, these glasses cannot have a reflection, nor should the glasses feature transition lenses (which change darkness based on the amount of light in a room). In general, it is best to not wear the glasses in a photograph, but if someone rarely goes about their daily life without the vision corrective lenses, it is alright.


The only time anyone is able to wear sunglasses or anything with tinted glass is if there is a medical reason behind it. Having a medical certificate on hand is necessary to verify this and should be included with the passport application. Outside of this, anything with tinted glass should never be worn.


The only time a hat or anything on the top of the head can be worn is if it is for religious purposes. Even so, the face must be visible completely and it cannot obscure an individual’s hairline. It shouldn’t cast a shadow on the individual. If the item is not for religious reasonings, it is not allowed in the photograph and the passport application will be rejected.

Nothing else is allowed on the face. Beyond everyday glasses, medical prescription sunglasses for a special health situation and headwear for religious reasonings, everything else is banned. By following these rules, an individual will not face having their passport rejected based on clothing or other objects inappropriately on their head.

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