Can I take a passport photo using my iPhone?

When renewing a passport, passport photos are often the main cause for concern. Between the list of guidelines and having to trail down to a photo booth, it can be a hassle. Double that when it’s a child passport photo. But what if you could scrap all the hassle and take a photo within minutes in your own home? And could it be done using a device everyone has to hand – your iPhone?

The short answer is yes, but there are a few conditions that you’ll need to keep in mind.

Online passport photos are accepted by when applying for a passport, and they even state in their guidelines that digital photos can be accepted from three methods: get someone else to take a photo for you using a device with photo capabilities; go to a photo shop and ask for a digital copy using a code; go to a photo booth that provides digital codes along with the physical copy. Of the three, it’s clear that the first option is not only the quickest but also the easiest.

To make sure you get it right the first time, review the guidelines laid out by You will require someone else to take the photo from the shoulders up, against a light background, and of clear quality. There will be a chance to adjust the size of your photo during the application process and you will be given a preliminary decision at the point of upload, which is a good indicator that your photo will be approved when your application is reviewed later.

If you are still unsure of whether your photo qualifies or how to take it, Papsic is available to give you peace of mind. Using your phone, Papsic will take you clearly and concisely through each step of the process for quick Digital passport photos and ensure they’re suitable before you even begin your passport application. Simply upload your photos and Papsic will take care of the rest!

Photo: iPhone 6 by edowoo licensed under Creative commons 2